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Freewater Presentations, in collaboration with Duke Independent Film Festival (DIFF), will be screening The Territory, an award-winning environmental documentary that follows the indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau community in their fight to protect their territory in the Amazon rainforest against aggressive illegal land grabs from farmers and settlers. Join us at 9 pm in Griffth Theater on April 6th to…
Students will break their fasts with a meal together during the month of Ramadan
Students will break their fasts with a meal together during the month of Ramadan
Students will break their fasts with a meal together during the month of Ramadan
DBS is hosting a initiation ceremony that inducts the organization into the AKPsi national preprofessional fraternity network.
Members of Lambda Theta Alpha from North Carolina Area 1 will join together for a day of bonding, professional improvement, and fun!
Rehearsal for Speak of the Devil 30th Reunion Alumni Concert
Duke’s premiere South Asian A Cappella team is hosting its first annual spring showcase, where we will be performing our arrangements from the entire year and having other teams come for special performances!
Students will break their fasts with a meal together during the month of Ramadan
Students will break their fasts with a meal together during the month of Ramadan
We will be cooking dinner to serve at FMF the next day
On 04/19/2023, an amateur astronomer/solar eclipse chaser will live stream exclusively to Duke students on a total solar eclipse happening in Australia. Pizza, wings and drinks will be provided.