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Following stock pitches during our general body meetings, voting members of the investment committee will meet to deliberate on investment decisions.
Next Friday, 2/17, the Sanford Energy and Environment Club will be hosting a happy hour at Glass Jug from approximately 5:30-7:00pm. We anticipate around 10-15 graduate students attending. I am also a social host.
Join Duke PAWS in making DIY dog toys out of old t-shirts to donate to local animal shelters! Donuts from Monuts Donuts will be provided!
Small groups are like our mini families. It’s a way for us to grow closer with each other as well as explore topics relating to faith, ethnicity, and being a Duke student.
Come enjoy some live jazz from local musicians on Wednesdays @ Devil’s Krafthouse! What has been Jazz@ The Mary Lou is now relocated to Krafthouse for this semester. Whether you want to study, hang with friends, or hear some incredible local music, Jazz@ is perfect for you! Stop by for a tune or listen to the whole session, and bring your friends!
Come grab a succulent and chat with Active Minds during midterm season!
The annual collegiate Model United Nations conference hosted by the International Relations Organization at the University of Virginia. VICS XXVII is scheduled to take place from March 23rd to March 26th, 2023 on the historic grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
This event is hosted by Few, GA, Southgate as a QuadEx connection event. Join us in the backyard of GA for ice skating, an elaborate desserts and hot chocolate bar, and so much more! The first 150 students to attend will receive a an exclusive Few glass mug*! Join us as we celebrate our fabulous QuadEx connection and meet new friends! *You must be affiliated with the Few Quad QuadEx connecti…
Social Hosts are members of the Duke community that are required to be present at all on-campus events where alcohol is present. Social Hosts are sober, active bystanders that assist in promoting safe, social behaviors to ensure that the event ends well for all those attending. What will this workshop cover? Your role as a Social Host. How you can promote safe, social behaviors. How your…
LocoPop social for the DIRA general body in Languages 114B. All are welcome!
Regular SAF February Member Meeting