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Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly chapter meeting of Duke aKDPhi
Small groups are like our mini families. It’s a way for us to grow closer with each other as well as explore topics relating to faith, ethnicity, and being a Duke student.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly chapter meeting of Duke aKDPhi
Our biweekly dPS meeting this week will involve a guest speaker speaking to the fellowship about incarceration and policing in Durham. We hope to have a speaker from Restorative Justice Durham at this meeting.
Looking for some handmade room deco or a present for a friend? Come make origami lucky stars with us in AAPI BASE on February 23 from 6-7 pm! Join us for a starry night of origami, moon pies, and good vibes!
The 12th annual B’nei Mitzvah program! Services begin at 2pm and the party begins at 8pm at the Freeman Center as we celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Donald Pepka! Don’t miss out on dancing, photobooth, giveaways, and more!
Weekly chapter meeting of Duke aKDPhi
DFI in partnership with Jewish Life and Duke is bringing Ashager Araro an Ethiopian Jewish activist to campus for a speaker event at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life