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We have our showcase coming up in April, and we wanted to host an event where people can come meet the team. We plan to do small dance workshops and fun social dance lessons. We hope to encourage attendance to our showcase and our auditions next fall.
Monthly coffee chats between one mentor and the 2-4 mentees in their mentor group. There are 4-5 mentor groups. The mentor will take the mentees out for coffee or some food item and pay for the group. This is intended to build community between years of the fellowship and offer support to current fellows.
General body meeting
During this event, BWU will pass out roses with affirming messages to people for Valentine’s Day.
Are you interested in learning different skills to help you relax, focus on the present, and explore self-compassion, gratitude, etc? Join Koru Meditation! A free non-credit bearing course designed for supporting students as they learn/practice mindfulness and meditation. This class is open to all current Duke students (undergraduate, graduate, professional, scholar), faculty and staff. Clas…
Next Friday, 2/17, the Sanford Energy and Environment Club will be hosting a happy hour at Glass Jug from approximately 5:30-7:00pm. We anticipate around 10-15 graduate students attending. I am also a social host.
Come join us to celebrate the season of love with Duke, UNC, and NC State’s Latinx Organizations! We will have a variety of delicious cultural meals.
Dr. Lutzoni will be hosting the “How to Land a Lab” Workshop, aiming to help undergraduates choose labs to work in and approach principal investigators. This workshop is open to anyone with an interest in conducting undergraduate STEM research at Duke.
Celebrate BHM with the DCC! There will be food from a local black owned barbecue restaurant.
Mixer for MIDP students and MPP students to meet
Come hang out with Duke Swing as we teach Collegiate Shag! No dance experience or attire required! Guest workshop by Ellie Biehl, so come get swingin’!
Come enjoy some live jazz from local musicians on Wednesdays @ Devil’s Krafthouse! What has been Jazz@ The Mary Lou is now relocated to Krafthouse for this semester. Whether you want to study, hang with friends, or hear some incredible local music, Jazz@ is perfect for you! Stop by for a tune or listen to the whole session, and bring your friends!