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Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.
Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.
Weekly meetings for the Duke University Chess Club, which will include lessons with our coach Levan Bregadze
Info Session for Duke Mock Trial
All students are moved in and back in Durham for the first BIG Shabbat during First Big Week! Join us at 5:30pm for a pre-Shabbat oneg (gathering) hosted by the Jewish Student Union, and at 6:00pm for a pluralistic Kabbalat Shabbat service, followed by a free, family-style kosher dinner at 7:00pm
2 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
This event, a collaboration with the Mary Lou Williams Center, is designed to recognize and celebrate the lives of African womxn on Duke’s campus. The women of Africa and the African diaspora are diverse and different, but ultimately connected through a diasporan feminism that is rooted in the history of enslavement, racist oppression, and struggles against those forces. With this event, we hop…
2 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
With the new Asian American Diaspora Studies minor being approved in February of this year, ASA hopes to offer students, new and old, a chance to explore what the growing field of AAS looks like at Duke, both from the classes available and the numerous organizations that are dedicated to expanding what the field looks like on campus.
Weekly meeting conducted for the entire general body of the Duke Investment Club, featuring stock pitches, guest speakers, student panels, and a training program for underclassmen interested in learning more about finance.
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.