Found 14153 matches
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask questions about faith, and bond with other members.
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Sharing our mission with potential new members.
Are you a first-year woman, femme-identified, or nonbinary student? Come learn more about the Penny Pilgram George Women’s Leadership Initiative! The PPGWLI program empowers women and nonbinary individuals to lead in any context. Let’s discuss your experiences and being a leader at Duke!
For those trying out for Moot Court who would like some training beforehand, or to ask any questions.
A social welcoming back returning members and for those interested in joining to come meet club members!
We will host a joint info session with Duke International Relations Association to recruit prospective members.
Sharing our mission with potential new members.
For people interested in learning more about what Duke Moot Court is! Current DMC team members will talk through what moot court looks like, why you should do it, and how to join.
Info Session for Co-ed Non-Greek Service Fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. Learn more about events, how the pledging process works and meet brothers! All are welcome!
Performances from a cappella groups in the A Cappella Council!
Outing Club Interest Meeting