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This is the first general body meeting of Duke Helping Hands for Alzheimer’s and other Neurological Disorders (Duke HAND)! Join us to learn more about our club and opportunities to volunteer with individuals with dementia in our community.
Bible study for any undergraduate students interested. Treats, study of scripture, discussion, and community. This semester, our Bible study is on the parables of Jesus. Open and affirming group for LGBTQ+ students and students all over the spiritual spectrum who are curious about Christ. Let’s explore!
Studio and Supply Kit Rentals
Come chill and get to know your fellow Black Student Alliance members through engaging and enticing Throwback Thursdays!
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
interest meeting for new members
We will host a joint info session with Duke International Relations Association to recruit prospective members.
Calling all students! Enjoy a free Israeli dinner provided by the Freeman Center CafĂ©. Meet fellow Jewish students and our meet our *NEW* Israel Fellow Orel Peretz, and learn about Israel programs available to you at Duke, including a free trip to Israel through Birthright, and our Israel focused student groups, and much more. No RSVP needed – just show up!
Come meet APO over games like Catan and Exploding Kittens!
General Body Meeting
General body meeting for Catalyst organization.
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask questions about faith, and bond with other members.