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We are excited to introduce potential new members to our club! As a club focused on improving the local community, it is critically important that we have motivated members recruited to help us achieve our mission.
Studio and Supply Kit Rentals
Get ready for a celebration of art and inclusivity as Blue Devils United goes to the Nasher Art Museum! Join us for an hour of exploration of the museum’s incredible collection. This event provides the opportunity to engage with art and generate a deeper appreciation for the diverse identities that shape us. Whether you’re an avid art museum go-er or an occasional art appreciater, come and expe…
Studio and Supply Rentals
interest meeting for new members
This general body meeting is for returning members and interested students to come and learn about the working of Hoof ‘n’ Horn: Duke University’s student-run musical theater organization
Come and join us for our first social event!
Part of BOW’s recruitment program
Duke Restore is attending a Coharie Powwow to further develop our partnership with the Tribe’s restoration program and observe a cultural event.
This event held by Delta Sigma Theta is an opportunity for Students to speak with Black faculty members here at Duke
This is the first general body meeting of Duke Helping Hands for Alzheimer’s and other Neurological Disorders (Duke HAND)! Join us to learn more about our club and opportunities to volunteer with individuals with dementia in our community.
Bible study for any undergraduate students interested. Treats, study of scripture, discussion, and community. This semester, our Bible study is on the parables of Jesus. Open and affirming group for LGBTQ+ students and students all over the spiritual spectrum who are curious about Christ. Let’s explore!