Found 14151 matches
Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
Join the Duke Climate Coalition’s weekly meeting to work on our climate action campaigns!
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
This is our weekly gathering where we can worship, grow deeper in our relationship with God, and build community.
This is SHAPEs general body meeting time! Come change the culture at Duke with us!
DISC will make drop-offs to DMV every second Thursday of the month. We leave by 8:30 a.m. at Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, second floor.
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
General Body Meeting, open to all members, guest speakers, mentorships opportunities, DAT resources, and application advice for dental schools
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.
Join us for our general body meetings where we discuss global health topics in various formats, such as lectures, seminars, panels and more.
GlobeMed is a global health club, focused on raising awareness for current global health issues. We have weekly meetings to discuss such issues and collaborate to initiate action to potentially provide aid, such as our monthly campaigns.
A time dedicated to study the Bible, ask questions about faith, and bond with other members.