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Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
In this workshop, participants will explore the beauty of the plants, bugs, and surroundings of the Duke Campus Farm, and learn to document their observations in words and sketches. Whether you are a budding bird or bug watcher, seasoned nature lover, or have never given a thought to keeping a nature journal, The Art of Noticing workshop will help you hone skills to become a careful observer to…
We will be having our first GBM of the year in the Duke Gardens with arepas from Guasaca!!!!
Come try out for Duke University Improv! Sign up here:
We will provide blood pressure and mental health checks for members of the unhoused community of Durham. To participate, please join our Groupme and attend a training.
Join us for weekly 2-hour writing group sessions at the Downtown Durham Public Library! We will meet at 4pm and meeting room details will be shared weekly.
BOW Exec Meeting
Enjoying donuts with fellow restoration enthusiasts to learn about DSER, our Fall Break trip plans, and open board positions.
First general body meeting for Sanford Women in Policy
Join Duke Consulting Club and Bain Capital to learn about the recruitment cycle, important deadlines, and other opportunities. This will be a networking event, allowing you to engage and connect with current Bain recruiters and consultants. This event is open to all Duke undergraduate students (please just sign up for the Duke Consulting Club listserv)!
Scale VC 101 Info Session