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Come join the Undergraduate Research Support Office staff for the URS Mixer on Wednesday, September 20 from 4-5:30pm in East Duke 209. Meet the URS team, connect with DAEs, MUSER representatives, and talk to current students engaged in research! We are excited to see you there!
Interested in learning more about Duke programs that offer opportunities for travel and research? Want to learn more about the process for applying for competitive scholarships and fellows programs? Curious about how the libraries and other academic services can enhance your learning and research at Duke? Drop by the Academic Programs and Lilly Library Open House from 4-6pm on Tuesday, Septemb…
Come hang out with exec and meet fellow members!
Come make a tote bag with us (paints and totes provided)! We’re so excited to reconnect with Craven residents as we go into this new school year! (This is a rescheduled welcome event)
Welcome to United Black Athletes! We are excited to welcome our new athletes to our community and discuss what our year will look like!
Which writing skills are you bringing with you to college and how can you adapt the skills you have to meet the needs of college classes? In this workshop you will get a chance to talk to Writing Studio consultants about the best strategies for college writing while using your creative side to map your writing journey.
Join us for weekly 2-hour writing group sessions at the Downtown Durham Public Library! We will meet at 4pm and meeting room details will be shared weekly.
Career Readiness, come get a headshot
BOW General Body Meeting
Weekly workshops and meetings to prepare teams for the Atlantic Council’s Cyber 9/12 Challenge
Open hours and art kits supply
This two-hour workshop will cover the basics of putting images on screens (making a stencil), ink mixing, and how to effectively use a squeegee to get ink through the screen and print multiple copies of an image. The focus is on printing on paper (which is essentially the same process as printing on t-shirts). Everyone will get many chances to print, and you’ll have a deluxe, one-of-a-kind, two…