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Meet current PhiDE members to potentially join the organization.
DSAC will be leading an introduction to R workshop for students who want to learn some of the basics of R.
BOW general body meeting
Weekly workshops and meetings to prepare teams for the Atlantic Council’s Cyber 9/12 Challenge
BOW General Body Meeting
Interviews for BOW
Come join the Undergraduate Research Support Office staff for the URS Mixer on Wednesday, September 20 from 4-5:30pm in East Duke 209. Meet the URS team, connect with DAEs, MUSER representatives, and talk to current students engaged in research! We are excited to see you there!
Interested in learning more about Duke programs that offer opportunities for travel and research? Want to learn more about the process for applying for competitive scholarships and fellows programs? Curious about how the libraries and other academic services can enhance your learning and research at Duke? Drop by the Academic Programs and Lilly Library Open House from 4-6pm on Tuesday, Septemb…
Welcome to the first event of the Pretty Wednesday Series hosted by the Iota Xi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Join us on Wednesday, September 20th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in Keohane Atrium for a Sip n’ Paint event to bring the community together and give people the opportunity to sit back and relax from class as they paint and sip on different beverages of their choice. All art ma…
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
A time dedicated to study the Bible, ask questions about faith, and bond with other members.
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members!