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Join us in listening to current members talk about their experiences within a industries like software engineering, product management, fintech, and more!
You’re invited to College Night at the American Underground! Join student entrepreneurs and startup founders from across the Triangle at this downtown rooftop mixer. Network with startup professionals, connect with students from other campuses, and get inspired to pursue your entrepreneurial ambitions! Date/Time: Tuesday, September 19 from 7:00pm-9:00pm Location: American Underground r…
Meet current PhiDE members to potentially join the organization.
DSAC will be leading an introduction to R workshop for students who want to learn some of the basics of R.
BOW general body meeting
Weekly workshops and meetings to prepare teams for the Atlantic Council’s Cyber 9/12 Challenge
BOW General Body Meeting
Come to WU and get dinner on Amnesty! We’ll be in Broadhead 241 from 5:30 to 7 so stop by, grab an exec member to buy you food, and then come back to chill and chat with us!!!
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (2/2)
(This is a 5-week therapy group, Contact CAPS 919-660-1000 for pre-group meeting before September 25). Equine-assisted psychotherapy is an innovative and evidence-based approach to improve your well-being. You will learn mindful skills to calm and connect with your mind and body through experiential exercises with horses on a farm. Further, horses are herd animals providing opportunities for pa…
Join us for our general body meetings where we discuss global health topics in various formats, such as lectures, seminars, panels and more.