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Our weekly Graduate/Professional students Bible Study
acapella rehearsal
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
To be eligible for MiniGrant funding (including transportation) and other dPS resources, at least one executive board member of each service organization is required to attend the Fall dPS Orientation on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 FROM 11 A.M.-12:30 P.M. The event will provide an overview of dPS resources, an opportunity to connect and collaborate with other service organizations, and space to refl…
Freewater Presentations will be partnering with Mi Genre to screen “Argentina, 1985” on Abele Quad! The screening will start at 8 on September 30th, and there will be concessions like a movie theater. Come out and see this fantastic film!
Bible study for any undergraduate students interested. Treats, study of scripture, discussion, and community. This semester, our Bible study is on the parables of Jesus. Open and affirming group for LGBTQ+ students and students all over the spiritual spectrum who are curious about Christ. Let’s explore!
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
Join us to learn more about DCC’s projects for the semester and how you can get involved with climate action on Duke’s campus!
Information session to introduce potential new member to the organization.
General Body Meetings are open to everyone! Join for social, professional, and volunteering events!
Informational Session for BOW Recruitment