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Interest meeting for the TedXDuke Coordinting Committee and General Body.
Come join us for our weekly small group/bible study.
Try out to join Moot Court Brief Writing or Oral Advocacy!
Slumberland is a live virtual reality performance that journeys beyond the cosmos to a place of collective rest and reflection. Using an Oculus VR headset, audiences will enter new dimensions, engaging live with a performer based in Malmö, Sweden. In these alternate realms, audiences bear witness to the stories of earth’s sleepless youth while freely wandering through strangers’ bedrooms, catch…
An event to welcome returning members as well as for people interested in joining the Duke Anime Club
Slumberland is a live virtual reality performance that journeys beyond the cosmos to a place of collective rest and reflection. Using an Oculus VR headset, audiences will enter new dimensions, engaging live with a performer based in Malmö, Sweden. In these alternate realms, audiences bear witness to the stories of earth’s sleepless youth while freely wandering through strangers’ bedrooms, catch…
Training session for new DDO members interested in teaching classes.
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
Slumberland is a live virtual reality performance that journeys beyond the cosmos to a place of collective rest and reflection. Using an Oculus VR headset, audiences will enter new dimensions, engaging live with a performer based in Malmö, Sweden. In these alternate realms, audiences bear witness to the stories of earth’s sleepless youth while freely wandering through strangers’ bedrooms, catch…
We offer free, confidential STI Testing to all Duke students. No appointment necessary. Visit Duke Groups to see the upcoming testing dates and times.
Join us for the first gathering of the semester for games and boba!!! Find us in CMA Wekit located on the bottom floor of the Bryan Center next to the elevators.
Slumberland is a live virtual reality performance that journeys beyond the cosmos to a place of collective rest and reflection. Using an Oculus VR headset, audiences will enter new dimensions, engaging live with a performer based in Malmö, Sweden. In these alternate realms, audiences bear witness to the stories of earth’s sleepless youth while freely wandering through strangers’ bedrooms, catch…