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Club practice for Duke MMA
Join Jewish Life at Duke for Conservative, Reform, or non-denominational Yom Kippur services Register for Meals Here: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH -4:45pm Alternative Option: Pre-Yom Kippur Discussion with Orel Peretz -5:30pm Pre-Fast Dinner -6:30pm Community Kol Nidre Services
We will be celebrating mass in Spanish with Father Juan José and Father Andrew followed by a dinner and dessert.
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (2/2)
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
Case workshop led by representatives from Deloitte in addition to general Q&A about consulting and Deloitte. Signing up for Duke Consulting Club’s listserv is required for registration!
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
Come chill and get to know your fellow Black Student Alliance members through engaging and enticing Throwback Thursdays!