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This event is for Agapé’s recurring bible study with undergraduate students.
Welcome new members and welcome back existing members!
Freewater Presentations will be showing “Past Lives” in Griffith Film Theater both at 7pm and 10pm. There will be concessions, so come see this masterpiece from Director Celine Song.
Interested in filming Duke Basketball? Video Journalism? Making fun videos around campus? Come check out DSB’s info session to learn more about our club and how to get involved! We are a student run media club that covers all of student life on campus with a focus on sports, news, and entertainment coverage. We offer training courses to all new members!
Come join us on September 10th at 1pm in Bryan Center 005 to learn what Amnesty International is all about and what we’ll be working on this semester!
Open House for CSA’s signature annual family program
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.
“Join us for “Disability at Duke Open House” to connect with members and allies of the disability community at Duke! We plan to discuss intersectional identities, the accommodations process, physical barriers like ramps and maps, and non-physical barriers like academic accessibility and campus culture. We will also talk about mental health awareness on campus and introduce you to on-campus orga…
Come learn about Hearts for the Homeless, a volunteering club providing heart and mental health services to the Durham unhoused community. In this meeting, we will discuss our goals and events for the year and ways to get involved. All are welcome to join and refreshments will be served!
We’re maximizing Drop-in Career Advising this fall for all undergraduates, doctoral students and masters students in the Divinity School and The Graduate School! We’ll be available all day on September 13th and 19th to be sure you have an opportunity to get application documents ready for fall internship and post-graduation recruiting, and this is a great way to get prepared for our upcoming ca…
Chapel Climb
Open studio kit rental for the Summer from 12-4pm Wednesday and Fridays