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This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety. This group meets every Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm in Room 148. Open to all Duke Students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety. This group meets every Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm in Room 148. Open to all Duke Students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
Two Rooms for the Data GBM
This 24-hour name reading ceremony on Abele Quad will honor the victims of genocide. Anyone can sign up for as many 10 minute name reading slots as they would like.
The Decolonize, Dismantle and Redesign student working group is hosting a two-day hybrid webinar event entitled From Academia to Action: Decolonizing Practice in Global Health and Beyond on April 20-21 from 9am-3pm. Join us in conversation with global health practitioners, scholars, and activists from across the globe. We will explore decolonizing practice, broaden perspectives on collective-bu…
Celebrating Eid with sisters who are incarcerated.
We invite guest Maryam Arain to lead us through a dhikr, meditation, and stretching to decompress from the last year and prepare us for finals.
Come hang out in the gardens and relax before finals!
We will be holding our first General Body Meeting of the semester to discuss logistics of the club for next year and so that new members can meet each other.
Will be hosting Alumni brothers during reunion weekend with food.
DukeAFRICA is hosting a lock-in event. It will be a night filled with food, games, entertainment and more.
We will be hosting alumni brothers during reunion weekend while also having breakfast brunch and fellowshipping.