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We will finish our Free Little Library Build and stock it with books.
Picnic and team activities at Duke Garden
United in Praise invites all alumni of United in Praise and the Modern Black Mass Choir to experience a blast from the past and fellowship!
Introduction to I/P conflict
SHAPE TriDelt Training
Duke Chinese Music Ensemble is glad to present our concert for Spring semester 2023. We are thrilled to have Master Yazhi Guo, a world-class Suona player, musician and composer as our guest player this year. Come and enjoy a whole hour of modern and traditional Chinese music with us. Free admission, all are welcome!
Duke Technology Scholars is eager to invite members to come to our spring social! Drop by and celebrate the end a successful and happy semester with your friends–hang out, play lawn games, paint, spend time with some cute dogs, and enjoy yummy food!! See you there!!
Study Brunch for Asian Pacific Islander Queer In-Group space! Join us for free food and fun before finals with other Asian LGBTQ+ students! The event on April 28th in the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Bryan Center from 12pm to 3pm. Persons who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about access may contact in advance of the program. …
2023-2024 Exec Meeting #2
Showing some engaging South Asian movie
A tour for high school students led by SHPE.
Community journaling in a safe space as a way to self-reflect and connect to your roots.