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Celebrate the end of the semester with members of Pih
Attend Duke Alum and Google Tech Lead Jeff Hou talk about how to succeed in new grad opportunities.
Social for DCC leaders to interact and take a study break
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day in collaboration with the Iranian Student Association of NC State University. To make the occasion even more special, we’ll be hosting a fun concert featuring Sasi, one of Iran’s most famous singers, and his talented team. The concert will take place in the Triangle Area, where we hope to bring together our community for a night o…
End of year picnic.
FORM Magazine is sharing its 27th issue of Duke’s arts and culture magazine. We want to share this volume, which centers the idea of kin, with the greater Duke community and use the opportunity to celebrate artistic interest on campus.
TASA will be holding an event to appreciate our seniors before they graduate with some food and possibly some games of Mahjong. Please sign up through TASA’s google form 🙂
Come join us for anime!
A picnic for high schoolers from the Youth Empowerment Group from the Nepal Center of North Carolina and Duke Diya members (the mentor-mentee pairings).
A celebration of the 30th anniversary of Rhythm & Blue. There will be around 15 songs and various dance and singing groups as guest performers.
Members of DMEJ will gather to publish the final copy of the publication together!
Launch Party for Spring 2023 Borderless edition!