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SAPT (Sexual Assault Prevention Training) is teaming up with PPGen to host a tabling event on BC plaza for people to meet both clubs and get a lot of merch! We’ll be out from 12-4 PM, so come by to say hi!
FORM Magazine is sharing its 27th issue of Duke’s arts and culture magazine. We want to share this volume, which centers the idea of kin, with the greater Duke community and use the opportunity to celebrate artistic interest on campus.
End of year picnic.
Come join us for anime!
TASA will be holding an event to appreciate our seniors before they graduate with some food and possibly some games of Mahjong. Please sign up through TASA’s google form 🙂
A small seminar with Dr. Dean Bruno about the white deer of the Seneca Army Depot and other stories of the nuclear wilderness
IJ’s most video-tastic show! Again! This is a re-screening of our video sketches premiered at our April 14th show. No live sketches will be performed!
Eid Mubarak! Join us to at 10am for khutbah (sermon). Prayer will conclude by 10:30am. After prayer, we’ll have a celebration on the quad. See that event page for more details
BOW Senior Brunch
In this workshop, participants will basic wire wrapping techniques. They will have an option to create a free standing sculpture or a piece they can hang on the wall. No prior experience necessary.
Come join KAjok for a “Secret Garden” themed kickback! More information can be found on our Instagram page @duke.kajok.
annual friendship walk with buddies in Raleigh