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Come join us for anime!
A picnic for high schoolers from the Youth Empowerment Group from the Nepal Center of North Carolina and Duke Diya members (the mentor-mentee pairings).
LTA will be presenting a showcase of their salutes including new salutes and the national salute.
Bagel and donut brunch
Celebrate the end of the semester with members of Pih
Come dance with us as we celebrate the end of our 8th Charter Week at Duke!
For the past few years, the Singapore Students Association has unofficially held KopiChats, a coined word meaning Coffee chats, where students across different graduation classes are matched to get to know each other and provide advice. This has been the unofficial backbone of our Singaporean Students Community, and given the increased turnout from non Singaporean students in our events, we hop…
For the past few years, the Singapore Students Association has unofficially held KopiChats, a coined word meaning Coffee chats, where students across different graduation classes are matched to get to know each other and provide advice. This has been the unofficial backbone of our Singaporean Students Community, and given the increased turnout from non Singaporean students in our events, we hop…
For the past few years, the Singapore Students Association has unofficially held KopiChats, a coined word meaning Coffee chats, where students across different graduation classes are matched to get to know each other and provide advice. This has been the unofficial backbone of our Singaporean Students Community, and given the increased turnout from non Singaporean students in our events, we hop…
DSER will be attending beach weekend, camping together, and attending the seagrass farm tour.
SHAPE TriDelt Training pt2
Come to the SSMU GBM to learn about what’s planned for next year and hear from stats students who studied abroad!