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Fundraising for handpump in the Bokaro district of Northeast India with optional donations for flowers on BC Plaza
Come make your own sushi at TASA sushi night! We’ll provide the ingredients so all you need to do is show up and be as creative as you’d like. Please sign up through our google forms 🙂
SHAPE Pi Phi Training
Come hang out in the gardens and relax before finals!
We will be holding our first General Body Meeting of the semester to discuss logistics of the club for next year and so that new members can meet each other.
Will be hosting Alumni brothers during reunion weekend with food.
DukeAFRICA is hosting a lock-in event. It will be a night filled with food, games, entertainment and more.
We will be hosting alumni brothers during reunion weekend while also having breakfast brunch and fellowshipping.
Brunch hosted for members and their families prior to our annual showcase.
Fly-In event at local airfield to meet local pilots, see their aircraft, and enjoy a barbecue lunch!
Final planning meeting for NeuroCare community outreach volunteering event on 4/21
SHAPE Theta Chi Training pt2