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Duke LIFE and DSG is tabling together on the BC Plaza to raise awareness for FGLI students.
We will have a dunk tank and water balloons for students to throw at us.
Come see us at BC Plaza to learn more about Caraway, a women’s health company dedicated to addressing the health needs of GenZ. FREE Kombucha will be given out to anyone who signs up for Caraway!! PPGen Members can sign up to talk using the link below. Sign up link:
Tabling to collection donations for NC Food Bank.
Come join us for our last GBM of the semester on BC Plaza to spread positive affirmations & enjoy free LocoPops!
Bubble soccer provided by KnockerBall NC.
A small seminar with Dr. Dean Bruno about the white deer of the Seneca Army Depot and other stories of the nuclear wilderness
A celebration of the 30th anniversary of Rhythm & Blue. There will be around 15 songs and various dance and singing groups as guest performers.
Members of DMEJ will gather to publish the final copy of the publication together!
Launch Party for Spring 2023 Borderless edition!
Consulting Summer Sendoff