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Join us for an instructor-led figure drawing class with live models!
Challenges or Issues lingering from last year? Hoping to become less ‘reactionary’ to difficult situations? Join the conversation to learn how you can be more proactive in addressing challenges and identifying your needs.
Join us for an evening with Duke Common Experience author Nikki Erlick. In her debut novel, Erlick engages questions of mortality and morality, discrimination and justice, life and death, and the common existence we all share. This Duke Common Experience selection is the first designed to engage the entire undergraduate community. ***Following the event, we invite all students to join us for …
CMA’s First Fridays Breakfast is a monthly community gathering space where all community members are welcome to stop by Suite 101 for a CMA sponsored free breakfast (limited supplies while they last), community connection, and receive the latest updates from the CMA!
Information session for students interested in joining DDO that want to learn more about the club and what we do.
Interest meeting for all people that are intrigued and excited by the idea of being a part of the world’s premiere grass skiing team, renowned worldwide for their love of snow and also being the coolest sport club on campus.
Interest meeting for stand-up comedy group. No cuts, no experience required!
Join us for an instructor-led figure drawing class with live models!
Join us for an instructor-led figure drawing class with live models!
Join us for an instructor-led figure drawing class with live models!
Join us for an instructor-led figure drawing class with live models!
Join us for an instructor-led figure drawing class with live models!