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Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
CMA’s First Fridays Breakfast is a monthly community gathering space where all community members are welcome to stop by Suite 101 for a CMA sponsored free breakfast (limited supplies while they last), community connection, and receive the latest updates from the CMA!
DTSA will hold an orientation for new Taiwanese graduate students. This event aims to (1) introduce Duke University and DTSA to our new members, (2) introduce living tips in Durham (3) provide academic and professional advice to our new members. This event will also invite all members in DTSA to get to know each other. The event will be held at Berkshire Main public area, light snack will be p…
Weekly gathering of all members of the Duke Student Government Senate to discuss/vote on items for the week. This event is open to the entire student body, except for when the Senate goes into a closed session
Join DISC and the CML for Friday grocery runs! We will provide free roundtrip transportation so you can visit a grocery store in the area to pick up specialty items. How it works: Just show up at the stop that’s most convenient for you! See below for the van schedule. Be on time! The van will leave each stop after 2 minutes. East Campus Bus Loop: 2pm West Campus Bus Loop: 2:10pm Bryan …
This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety. This group meets every Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm in Room 148. Open to all Duke Students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
Join us for Sunday worship and message
Pray Fajr together at the CML on West Campus. The CML will provide breakfast on Wednesdays! Need a ride? Join the Fajr Breakfast Club Whatsapp Group: Contact with any questions! Time for Fall 2023: 6:15am: Duke Van pick up from East 6:20am: Duke Van pick up from 300 Swift Ave. 6:30am: Iqamah (Prayer)
Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will reflect and discuss the meaning of the passage as a group.