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Informal Workshop for Vertices Writers
Unsure of summer plans? Curious about what a career for students in your major looks like? Join the Duke Peer Success Leaders and students from a wide variety of majors to learn more about what some of your peers have been up to, and what helped them in their internship application process! We will have insomnia cookies and a Q&A session.
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, DIFF will be hosting a festival of romance films both old and new! Featuring shorts from Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and more, this festival will showcase the wittiness and fun of both 1920s and modern romantic comedies. We’ll also be presenting the work of a Duke student. Come join us for comedy, love, and–a VDay necessity–chocolate (which will be handed out af…
This is going to be one of the intake events during spring 2024 intake process.
DIIG Data is hosting a workshop for new analysts to learn popular data science skills. We will be covering EDA in R, dashboarding, and A/B Testing.
Recurring General Body Meeting!
Rehearsals for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s Production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BCS volunteers at Duke in the Spring 2024 semester. In a given trip, a group of volunteers will drive to Neal Middle School, help instruct and tutor students in their classes for 1-2 hours, and then drive back to campus.
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BBBS mentors at Duke. In a given trip, a mentor will drive to KIPP Durham, meet with their matched Little for 1 hour, and then drive back to campus.
DSC Members volunteer in Mr. Kingon’s science class
Learn how to fly with Duke Aviators. We will be teaching you everything on the ground you need to know to earn your own private pilot license! Flight simulators will be in use if the lesson requires them. All aviation enthusiasts are welcome.
As part of its offerings to students, the DHU will be hosting monthly meetings in which students will have the opportunity to participate in fun history-based competitions (such as a Kahoot) for prizes, learn about history-related internship and scholarship opportunities, socialize with other students with parallel interests, and receive miscellaneous updates from the executive team. This is th…