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Rehearsals for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Rehearsal for the upcoming production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Recurring General Body Meeting!
Weekly meetings for editorial planning and discussing upcoming information
Exec Meeting for Huntsman Cancer Club
Neurocare’s student outreach committee will be meeting throughout the semester to plan mental health advocacy intiatives on and around campus.
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BCS volunteers at Duke in the Spring 2024 semester. In a given trip, a group of volunteers will drive to Neal Middle School, help instruct and tutor students in their classes for 1-2 hours, and then drive back to campus.
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BBBS mentors at Duke. In a given trip, a mentor will drive to KIPP Durham, meet with their matched Little for 1 hour, and then drive back to campus.
The Backpack Project Durham has invited professors who study homelessness in various fields to speak to students. It will introduce the policy, sociology, medical implications of homelessness, and more.
The Duke Alphas and the Mary Lou Williams Center are super excited to bring back the Black Duke Yearbook for the 2023 – 2024 school year! Please join us for our third portrait session on Friday, February 16 or at our second session on Monday, March 4. Both sessions will be hosted at The Landing in Bryan Center.
Come join us for advice on some career advice!
Technical Skill Practice