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Student Organization Calendar & Requirements

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Student Organization Calendar

Below is the annual calendar of important dates for student organizations.
Event Date
New organization application opens (spring) January 15
New organization application closes (spring) February 15
Annual registration opens April 15
Duke Groups Fair table sign up opens (via annual registration) April 15
Storage request form opens April 15
Student organization requirements submission deadline Commencement
Storage request form closes July 15
Duke Groups Fair table sign up deadline August 15
Annual registration closes September 15
New organization application opens (fall) September 15
New organization application closes (fall) October 15
Late registration form opens December 1
Late registration form closes December 31

Student Organization Requirements

Below are the annual requirements for student organizations.

RequirementUndergraduate RSOGraduate/Professional RSODepartment SponsoredSport Clubs
Complete Annual Registration FormYesYesYesYes
Attend Next Level Leadership Summit (fall semester)YesYesNoNo
Attend three (3) Next Level Leadership Series EventsYesYesNoNo
Complete Social Host Training (only if hosting an event involving alcohol)YesYesYesYes
Complete Finance Training (only presidents and treasurers)YesYesNoNo
Complete Inclusion Training (spring semester)YesYesNoNo

Next Level Leadership

In order to maintain good standing with the university, student organizations are required to participate in training/development opportunities throughout the year. By participating in these workshops student leaders will:

  • build stronger communities within their organization 
  • become more knowledgable about university policies and processes
  • grow their leadership skills
  • create sustainable structures within their organization

Organizations must:

  1. send at least one representative to the Leadership Summit
    • this is recommended for officers, but is open to organization members
    • one person can represent up to two organizations
    • check in at the event using a valid DukeCard 
    • complete the credit survey sent via email
  2. send a representative to three Series workshops throughout the academic year
    • anyone from an organization is eligible to attend
    • one person can represent up to two organizations
    • groups need to attend three different session topics
    • check in at the event using a valid DukeCard 
    • complete the credit survey sent via email

Social Host Training

Any organization planning to host an event involving alcohol must have trained social hosts present.

What is a Social Host?

Social Hosts are members of the Duke community that are required to be present at events where alcohol is present. Social Hosts are sober, active bystanders that assist in promoting safe, social behaviors to ensure that the event ends well for all those attending.

Finance Training

Any organization whose fund code is managed by Student Affairs must complete finance training via Duke Groups. This is recommended for treasurer and/or authorized spenders. 

Finance training must be completed by anyone who intends to access the payment request portal on Duke Groups. This is accessible only to currently enrolled Duke students.