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Give to the CMA

Support multiculturalism at Duke!

Thank you for supporting the Center for Multicultural Affairs! Your generous contribution allows us to continue to do community-minded, coalition-building, multicultural work on Duke's campus. If you’d like to make a donation, please click the button below to access the secure Duke Gifts page. Here, you can specify your gift amount, type, and frequency. You can also indicate that you would like your gift to remain anonymous, or if you would like to receive a personalized CMA thank you note.  If you have any questions about your gift or other donation-related affairs, please email us at and put “Gift Question” in the subject line. 

Click here to donate

CMA Cheat Sheet

Need a couple of reminders about our Center? Look no further! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


The Center for Multicultural Affairs is committed to creating a more equitable and inclusive campus environment. We embolden students to examine the intersections of identity, to think critically about diversity, social justice, and identity formation to utilize their unique and collective voices to enact positive change.


We envision a campus community where all members are safe and able to live in full authenticity.


    • Advocacy: We believe that advocacy is essential to students’ college and life successes.  We empower them with knowledge, skills and actions to create a more socially just society. 
    • Student-centered: We believe students are at the core of our work; we are invested in their academic and personal success and development.  
    • Excellence: We strive for excellence in all that we do. 
    • Integrity: We value consistency between values and actions and strive to cultivate strong moral character in all students. 
    • Social Justice: We believe in addressing inequity and harm as well as creating spaces and fostering relationships in which power is shared. We practice awareness of all forms of systemic oppression (racism, heterosexism, classism, patriarchy, etc.) as we reflect on who we are and how we engage with others.

On March 21, 2023, the Center for Multicultural Affairs welcomed the community in joyous celebration of our 50th year of existence via or Unity Through Diversity program. Though we turned 50 in the Spring of 2022, we hosted our commemorative event this semester. Born in 1972 as the Office of Black Affairs, our Center has evolved and grown in a way that has continuously been in service to a plethora of diverse communities on campus. The CMA is a vibrant, significant part of the fabric of Duke University, and we are grateful for your support!

Learn more here:

CMA History & history of multiculturalism @ Duke

Signature Programs Overview

Get to know some of the ways in which your gift helps our Center thrive! The CMA provides a wide range of programs in order to cultivate multiple access points for community members to build relationship with the Center & its many connecting/intersecting communities. Our programs promote social justice, diversity, equity & inclusion initiatives for marginalized communities, foster holistic identity development and wellness, & integrate the historical legacy of the CMA.

Future Initiatives

Check back soon!