TransForming Our Campus is a recorded session from November 20, 2019 featuring Dr. Raja Gopal Bhattar. This interactive workshop explored gender pronouns, strategies for campus-wide pedagogical practices and enhancing awareness of resources available on campus. As a national leader in LGBTQIA+ services, Duke University continues to develop structural changes to support our growing transgender and non-binary community. This workshop provided space for reflection, skill-building and helped to build a network of other faculty and staff working to enhance our climate on campus.
Each video below is a segment of the full series. To watch the full session, click on the last video.
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Dr. Raja Gopal Bhattar (pronouns: they/them/theirs) is a nationally recognized higher education leader, advocate, consultant, author and artist. Raja’s work straddles qualitative and quantitative approaches to intersectional identity development and the experiences of LGBTQ people, immigrants, first-generation students, Desi/South Asian students, international students and people of color in higher education. Raja’s research centers intersections of identity and sense of belonging, international students, religious and spiritual identity development, HIV-AIDS in higher education, access and inclusion in global higher education and impact of diverse staff and faculty on student experience and campus climate. Raja has been featured in The Advocate Magazine, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, India Abroad Magazine, Hinduism Today Magazine, the Vermont Quarterly and many other news outlets.
1. Introduction

2. Overview

3. Land Acknowledgement/Transgender Day of Remembrance

4. Community Agreements

5. Terminology

6. What's In A Name

7. Trans Students Explain Why Pronouns Are Important

8. Pronouns In-Depth

9. Commonly Asked Questions

10. Strategies & Resources