The Duke Groups Fair is a free event where students can meet, learn about, and join clubs and organizations at Duke.
Over 300 student clubs and organizations will be present to showcase their groups and invite students to join their group. The event is open to all Duke students and Duke student groups.
The fall 2023 event will take place on Friday, September 1 from 4:00-5:45pm on Baldwin Quad (East Campus).
Event Map: https://duke.is/c/mw93
Students are encouraged to check out Duke Groups (dukegroups.com) for more information about the 300+ groups that will be in attendance. Below are the groups confirmed for the Duke Groups Fair (last updated 09/01/2023).
- Adopt a Grandparent
- Agapé Campus Christian Fellowship
- Air Force ROTC
- All of the Above
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
- alpha Kappa Delta Phi
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
- Alpha Phi Omega
- Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc.
- American Futures Institute
- American Medical Women’s Associate Undergraduate Chapter
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Amnesty International
- Asian Students Association
- Association of Mixed People at Duke
- Be The Match On Campus
- Bench and Bar Pre-Law Society
- Big Brothers Big Sisters at Duke
- Biology Cultural Association
- Biomedical Engineering Society
- Black Pre-Law Society at Duke
- Black Student Alliance
- Black Women’s Union
- Blue Angels Greek Dance
- Blue Devils United
- Blue Devils Versus Cancer
- Brain Injury Awareness Club
- Body Banter
- Bouchet Society
- Bull City Scholars
- Camp Kesem
- Chabad Student Group
- Challah for Hunger at Duke (a project of Nazun)
- CHANCE Tutoring
- Christians on Campus
- Club Badminton
- Club Ballroom Dance
- Club Baseball
- Club Basketball (Men’s)
- Club Basketball (Women’s)
- Club Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Club Curling
- Club Cycling
- Club Equestrian
- Club Field Hockey
- Club Figure Skating
- Club Golf
- Club Ice Hockey
- Club Krav Maga
- Club Lacrosse (Men’s)
- Club Lacrosse (Women’s)
- Club Pickleball
- Club Rowing
- Club Rugby
- Club Running
- Club Sailing
- Club Ski & Snowboard
- Club Soccer (Men’s)
- Club Soccer (Women’s)
- Club Softball
- Club Squash
- Club Swimming
- Club Table Tennis
- Club Taekowndo
- Club Tennis
- Club Triathlon
- Club Ultimate Frisbee (Men’s)
- Club Ultimate Frisbee (Womxn’s)
- Club Volleyball (Men’s)
- Club Volleyball (Women’s)
- Club Water Polo
- Coalition for Preserving Memory
- Cru
- DBS Raas
- Define America
- Defining Movement Dance Group
- Deja Blue
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
- Devils en Pointe
- Devils’ Kitchen
- DevilTHON: Duke Dance Marathon
- Diversity++
- duARTS
- Duke A.E.R.O Society / AIAA
- Duke Alt Protein Project
- Duke Academy of Model Aeronautics
- Duke Actuarial Society
- Duke Alt Protein Project
- Duke Anime Club
- Duke Arab Student Organization
- Duke ASL
- Duke Association for Business Oriented Women
- Duke Association for Greater Gaming Education and Recreation
- Duke Athlete Ally
- Duke Aviators
- Duke Barbell Club
- Duke Best Buddies
- Duke Biology Majors’ Union
- Duke Black Muslim Coalition
- Duke Brazilian Student Association
- Duke Business Society
- Duke Catholic Center
- Duke Children’s Ambassadors Program
- Duke Chinese Dance Troupe
- Duke Chinese Student Association
- Duke Chinese Theater
- Duke Chorale
- Duke Climate Coalition
- Duke Climbing Club
- Duke Collegiate 100 Black Men
- Duke Conservation Tech
- Duke Consulting Club
- Duke Crux
- Duke Cyber
- Duke Dance Council
- Duke Dance Expressions
- Duke Deewana
- Duke Dhamaka
- Duke Disability Alliance
- Duke Diya (South Asian Students Association)
- Duke East Asia Nexus
- Duke Electric Vehicles
- Duke Energy Club
- Duke Engineers for International Development
- Duke Ethiopian/Eritrean Student Transnational Association
- Duke EyeServe
- Duke Friends of Israel
- Duke Gaming
- Duke Gay Straight Alliance
- Duke Global Alliance for Medical Innovation
- Duke Global Brigades
- Duke Global Health Major’s Union
- Duke Helping Hands for Alzheimers and other Neurological Disorders
- Duke Hunting & Conservation Club
- Duke Hyperloop Club
- Duke Impact Investing Group
- Duke Independent Film Festival
- Duke Innoworks
- Duke International Relations Association (DIRA)
- Duke InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Duke Investment Club
- Duke Israel Public Affairs Committee
- Duke Jewish Student Union
- Duke Justice Project
- Duke Lasya
- Duke Low-Income First-Generation Engagement (DukeLIFE)
- Duke Medical Ethics Journal
- Duke MMA
- Duke Mock Trial
- Duke Moot Court
- Duke Motorsports
- Duke National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- Duke Nepali Students Association
- Duke Nutrition Society
- Duke Operation Smile
- Duke Pamilya: Filipino Students Association
- Duke Partnership for Service
- Duke PAWS
- Duke Philosophy Society
- Duke Players
- Duke PorColombia
- Duke Pre-Dental Society
- Duke Pre Physical Therapy Association
- Duke Pre-Vet Society
- Duke Public Policy Majors’ Union
- Duke Quantitative Trading
- Duke QuestBridge Chapter
- Duke Quiz Bowl
- Duke Real Estate Club
- Duke Red Cross
- Duke Remote Area Medical
- Duke Research Scholars Program
- Duke Rhydhun
- Duke Robotics Club
- Duke Roundnet Club
- Duke Sangeet
- Duke Science Olympiad
- Duke Simple Charity
- Duke Smart Home
- Duke Sports Analytics Club
- Duke Sports Business Conference
- Duke STEM Connect
- Duke Student Collaborative on Health Policy
- Duke Student Government
- Duke Students for Justice in Palestine
- Duke Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- Duke Swing Dance Club
- Duke Symphony Orchestra
- Duke Theta Tau
- Duke University Bangladesh Society
- Duke University Chess Club
- Duke University Chinese Students and Scholars Association
- Duke University Debating Society
- Duke University EMS
- Duke University Math Union
- Duke University Improv
- Duke University JStreet U
- Duke University Stand-up Troupe
- Duke University Union
- Duke University Wind Symphony
- Duke VEXU Robotics
- Duke Wesley Fellowship
- Duke Women’s Wrestling Club
- DukeGIVE
- Economics Student Union
- eNable – Duke University Chapter
- Embodiment Contemporary Dance
- Engineering Ideas to Reality
- Engineering Student Government
- Environmental Alliance
- Episcopal Center at Duke
- Every Nation Campus – Duke
- Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science
- First-Generation Graduate Student Network
- FORM Magazine
- Gente Aprendiendo para Nuevas Oportunidades
- GlobeMed
- Graduate Christian Fellowship
- HackDuke
- Harmonies for Health at Duke
- Healthy Hands Initiative
- Hearts for the Homeless Durham
- Hellenistic Society of Duke
- Help Desk
- Hindu Students Association
- Hoof ‘n’ Horn
- Inside Joke
- InTranscription@Duke
- International Association
- Japanese Culture Club
- Juris: Duke’s Undergraduate Law Magazine
- KAjok
- Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
- Khaya Afro Collective
- Korean Undergraduate Student Association
- La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
- Lady Blue
- Lambda Phi Epsilon
- Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.
- Latinx Business Organization
- Leaders UNITE
- MEDesign
- Mi Gente
- Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students
- Momentum Dance Company
- Musical Empowerment
- Muslim Students Association
- Nakisai African Dance Ensemble
- Nasher MUSE
- National Pan-Hellenic Council
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Native American/Indigenous Student Alliance
- NeuroCare
- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
- On Tap
- Our Urban Future
- Outing Club
- Pancakes for Parkinson’s
- Partners In Health Engage
- Peer Advocacy for Sexual Health
- Phi Alpha Delta
- Planned Parenthood Generation Action Duke
- Presbyterian Campus Ministry
- Presidential Ambassadors
- Progress. Period.
- Project HEAL: Health Equity and Awareness in Latinx Communities
- Project Tadpole
- Psi Upsilon
- Pureun
- Reformed University Fellowship
- Rhythm & Blue
- Root Causes Undergraduate Coalition
- Rotaract Club of Duke University
- Runway of Dreams at Duke
- Sabrosura
- Sanford Latin American and Caribbean Student Group
- Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention & Education
- Shave and Buzz at Duke University
- Singapore Students Association
- Skate Club
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Society of Women Engineers
- Something Borrowed Something Blue
- Speak of the Devil
- Special Olympics College
- Stargazing Devils Astronomy Club
- Statistical Science Majors Union
- STEM Pre-Professional and Undergraduate Research Society
- Street Medicine
- Student Advisory Board at the DHRC@FHI
- Student Organization Finance Committee
- Students of the Caribbean Association
- Students Supporting Israel
- Sustainable Ocean Alliance
- Taiwanese American Student Association
- TAMID at Duke
- Tau Beta Pi
- Technify
- TEDxDuke
- Temptasians A Cappella Group
- The Alexander Hamilton Society
- The Archive
- The Backpack Project: Durham
- The Chanticleer
- The Chronicle
- The Ciceronian Society
- The Coop
- The Flow
- The Fluke News
- The Girls Club
- The Muse Magazine
- The Pitchforks
- The UNICEF Club at Duke University
- The Wild Ones
- The Women’s Network
- UNCUT Duke
- Undergraduate Environmental Union
- United in Praise
- Vertices, Duke University Journal of Science and Technology
- WISER Duke
- Women in Technology
- Women’s Empowerment at Duke
- Women’s Wellness Club
- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.