Frequently Asked Questions
Title IX FAQs
Here, you'll find information about the new Federal Title IX Regulations and their application in Duke Policies and Procedures. This list applies to both Duke University and Duke Health and is maintained and revised by Duke's Office for Institutional Equity. The list was last revised on November 17, 2020.
Mythbusters FAQs
There are a number of options available to students who have experienced an incident of sex or gender-based violence, harassment, or discrimination. This FAQ list serves to help ensure access to accurate information by clarifying common points of confusion regarding Duke's policies and resources.
Here are some common words you may encounter on this website:
Complainant: The student who experienced the assault or misconduct
Respondent: The student being accused of misconduct
Responsible Employee: A non-confidential resource who will have to report any details of an alleged incident to the university