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Student Focus: GPSG

Home Blog Student Focus: GPSG

The Graduate Professional Student Government (GPSG) has had an immense impact on the University, providing a platform for students to collaborate on meaningful initiatives. Over this academic year, they have worked with university partners to advocate for improvements to off-campus housing (Lancaster Commons), campus transportation (LaSalle Weekend Circulator), and working to reduce food insecurity on campus (Duke Community Pantry). GPSG has been instrumental in creating a more inclusive and diverse campus environment by coordinating the DEI MicroAwards program, funding 100+ registered GPSG Student Organizations and committed focus to advancing environmental justice and sustainability issues that impact our community. The Graduate Professional Student Government has been a driving force for positive change, helping to shape the university into a more engaging, welcoming, and supportive place for over 10,000 graduate and professional students!

The Student Focus feature is a part of the Graduate Professional Student Appreciation Week to highlight and thank the wonderful students and student groups that make our campus vibrant! Submissions were made by Duke staff members.