Duke Families,
Welcome to the Duke community! We are incredibly excited for the incoming Class of 2026 and to have you as part of our community. Each year we are thrilled to welcome your students to Duke University. Their energy and passion inspire our community. Much of our newsletter information will be shared on our social media platforms; however, we do encourage you to read each edition for additional insights, context, and official University response.
Our team is here to provide support and services to all undergraduate parents and families. Office goals to support our Duke families include opportunities for you to Learn, Engage, and Connect with the University. These goals are accomplished by providing comprehensive programming, communication, advocacy, and peer-to-peer outreach.
An example of the resources we offer includes the Duke Parent and Family Newsletter, which is distributed electronically each month throughout the academic year and four times during the summer to the parents/families of our entering class. We also sponsor family Facebook pages, Orientation for families, and informational videos/live webinars throughout the year.
In addition, our office proudly hosts Family Weekend. Please mark your calendars now for this event-filled weekend scheduled for October 14-16 2022. Registration information will be available the first week of August at the following site: https://studentaffairs.duke.edu/parents/family-weekend.
This summer as our team prepares you to be a Duke parent, we are also preparing your students to be Dukies. We’re dedicated to providing your student the needed information and resources so that your student can arrive to campus ready to begin their exciting career at Duke. We already began our weekly communication to your students. We are excited to launch a new experiential orientation for your students in August, and we also coordinate the Blue Book, the Summer Transition Series, and the Duke Common Experience.
Throughout your students’ academic career, please let us know if we can help you in any way. We are happy to answer questions, provide assistance, and offer suggestions. Feel free to reach out to our team anytime at familyprograms@duke.edu. Thanks, and go Duke!