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Duke is committed to providing a comprehensive response for those in our community who have experienced any form of gender violence. Our goal is to ensure that all members of our community are met with caring and compassionate response while being provided access to all available resources.

Everyone's experience to gender violence is unique. The information below lays out the wide array of resources available to survivors of gender violence. Family and friends of survivors may also use this information to become more aware of the options available at Duke University.We hope tuning into the options available to you may help determine what steps, if any, you choose to take.

If you are a survivor accessing this page, please know that you are not alone. 

Choose the statement that best represents you at this time.

If you are in need of immediate help, please call Duke Police at 919-684-2444 or 911

CAPS Mental Health Crisis Line: 919-660-1000, press option 2

Durham Crisis Response Center 24/7 Help Line: 919-403-6562

Solace Center 24/7 Crisis Line: 919- 828-7740

Orange County Rape Crisis Center 24/7 Line: 919-967-7273

RAINN: 1-800-656-4673

Suicide Hotline: 988



Every person reacts differently to trauma. There is no "right" way to react to gender violence.

Some people completely shut down and seem blank, some may cry, some may want to act like nothing happened and go back to "normal". How a person feels one minute, one hour, one day, isn't how they will always feel as they continue to process their experience.

It can be difficult to know what to do or say to help when someone you care about is struggling, but there are ways for you to give support.

The single most important thing you can do to help your friend is to believe them, listen to them, and offer support. A survivor will be vulnerable, and your reaction can influence whether they choose to share information with others, including the resources available to them for their physical, emotional, and mental health.

Stay Calm

You may feel upset because your friend was hurt or overwhelmed by what they are telling you. This is an absolutely normal response. Do your best to control your outward response so you can be a safe source of initial support. If you are in crisis, the survivor may feel the need to take care of you rather than themselves.

Listen and do not judge

Listening is one of the most important things you can do. Let them decide what and how much information they want to share with you. It may feel natural to show concern by asking questions, but this can cause distress. Focus on being an empathic listener for your loved one.

Show your support

Believe them. Let them know that you are glad they felt comfortable sharing this with you, and acknowledge the strength and courage it takes to tell someone. Assure and reassure them that what happened was not their fault. Self-blame and self-doubt are common reactions of victims of gender violence. 

Simple statements like "I am so glad you told me", "this was not your fault", or "you are not alone" can make a big difference.

Be mindful to not engage in any physical contact (shoulder rubbing, hug) without consent. 

Empower with resources

Learn about the services available at Duke and in Durham to be able to assist them in connecting to resources. You can call any of the resources on campus to ask them about the services they provide-friends often make the first outreach to support services, helping the survivor feel more comfortable with connecting to the University's support options. 

Ask them if they would be interested in you sharing this information with them. Respect their right to say no to these resources. 


Avoid giving advice or telling a survivor what they "should" or "must" do. You can encourage them to seek medical attention or counseling, while respecting that the final decision is theirs to make.

Remember, it is their choice if they would like to seek help from any available resource. It is critical that a survivor feel empowered to make their own decisions about what their options are, and when and how they will choose to pursue them.

If they do choose to report to the university or police, support them in those choices. Offer to go with them to speak to resources.

Get support

Supporting someone who is in pain can take a toll on your own mental health and well being. Remember to take care of yourself. Every resource available to survivors is also available to you.

All of the following are Confidential resources.

Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator

The GVI Coordinator provides clinical care management and support planning to individuals who have experienced gender-based violence including stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence, or sexual harassment. You can expect a response within 24 hours.

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

  • 919-660-1000, 3rd Floor of Student Wellness Building (Walk In's Welcome)
  • CAPS Crisis Line: 919-660-1000, press option 2

Blue Devils Care via TimelyCare

Get the app and use "Talk Now" to access emotional health support with counselors on demand 24/7.

Student Ombudsperson

The student ombudsperson is an independent, informal, and impartial resource on campus. They work with students to provide them with information about university resources, teach conflict resolution skills and best practices, talk through policy and procedures related to their concerns, and develop a plan for next steps.

Student Health

2nd Floor of the Student Wellness Building

Student Health can provide the following services:

  • Provide STI screening & treatment 
  • Inform about medical treatment options 
  • Provide pregnancy prevention information
  • Provide referrals for follow-up care including counseling & medical treatment 

Clergy Acting in their Capacity as Clergy

Duke students will still have access to support even while abroad! Following an incident, you can contact the GVI Coordinator to receive assistance in navigating options and next steps. All confidential resources on Duke campus are still available to you while abroad. 

Depending on the location and the circumstances, students may have the option to report to the school where they are studying, report to local police, Call International SOS at 1.215.942.8478, contact ISOS through the app, or call Duke Police at 001+919-684-2444. Both ISOS and Duke Police will accept international collect calls.

It is recommended that students immediately seek support from Duke staff/faculty who are overseeing their study abroad program if an incident should happen. Your program director will assist in accessing follow-up care. 

Note: Counseling services through CAPS are not available while abroad, however ISOS can connect you with local mental health services if available.

More resources for those traveling abroad can be found here.

Many survivors want to use resources but do not want to go through the process of a formal investigation. That is absolutely okay.

Survivors can seek out many interim supportive measures that do not require full investigations by reporting to the Title IX Office, Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, or Duke Reach. Depending on who is involved in the incident and what would make you feel most safe, remedies and interim measures can include:

  • Getting a No Contact Order 
  • Being switched into a new dorm or university-owned living space
  • Coordination with faculty around academic needs
  • Receiving parking passes and routes
  • Assistance with getting a medical leave
  • Withdrawals from courses
  • Further supportive measures - You can always ask for what you need and OIE/OSCCS will work with you.

Note: In order for these supportive measures to be provided, you cannot report an incident anonymously. You must disclose that you are needing supportive measures to OSCCS/Title IX, and they will work with you to determine what supportive measures can be provided. 

If you have experienced gender violence, including sexual assault, dating violence, and other forms of interpersonal violence that can result in medical and/or safety issues, you may consider getting medical care. Even if you do not identify any urgent medical needs, you may be injured or at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection or becoming pregnant.

You deserve medical care. Here are some on and off campus options.

  • Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional, Duke Raleigh
  • Duke University Health Services

Questions & Timelines

If you have questions about your medical options, you can discuss them with the following resources:

  • Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator: 984-569-0592 (will respond within 24 hours)
  • Durham Crisis Response Center 24/7 Help Line: 919-403-6562
  • Solace Center 24/7 Crisis Line: 919- 828-7740
  • Orange County Rape Crisis Center 24/7 Line: 919-967-7273


Timelines to keep in mind if you are thinking about seeking medical care:

  • If you suspect you were given any type of drug, testing should be administered as soon as possible. Different drugs will be detected for different periods of time after they have been ingested.
  • If you think you would like to have forensic and/or DNA evidence from a trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), it is important that you seek services at a qualifying hospital emergency department as soon as possible within 120 hours, or 5 days. 
  • To prevent pregnancy, start emergency contraception within 72 hours of the assault.
  • HIV emergency post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) should be started as soon as possible for maximum effectiveness, and must be started within 72 hours of the potential exposure. 

After you've experienced sexual violence of any kind, you may choose to get a SANE Exam (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) or Forensic Medical Examination (FME). SANE Exams are completely optional and you can receive medical services following an assault to treat your injuries without having evidence collected. If you choose to have evidence collected, you have up to 120 hours (5 days) following an assault to receive services. 

You do not have to make a report to law enforcement in order to have evidence collected.

Evidence can only be analyzed if you decide to file a police report to pursue criminal charges against the offender.

Solace Center: 919-828-7740
A completely community based sexual assault forensic examination center. They have SANE nurses and advocates on standby. They provide confidential services at no cost to the survivor. (This is located in Raleigh, but The Solace Center offers transportation to and from the center for those in need.)

Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional, Duke Raleigh:
Offers SANE exams through the ER 24/7. 

DCRC: 919-403-6562
Can assist in providing information regarding options. They also have a program where an advocate can accompany you to get the exam.

Guidelines for Evidence Preservation

  • Though it is understandable that you may wish to, try not bathe, douche, smoke, change your clothes or clean the area where you were assaulted before evidence is collected
  • Save copies of email messages, text messages, instant messages, social networking pages, pictures, logs, or any other documents that could be helpful in an investigation of the incident
  • Write down everything you can remember about the other person, including a physical description, the use of force or threats, if applicable, and any information you remember concerning the person’s identity

Submitting this form will result in outreach to the complainant (if known) and will outline options for support and the option to file a formal complaint. You can submit this report for yourself or someone else. 

You can submit this form anonymously by omitting your contact information. 

              Title IX/OIE Incident Report                   

Reporting anonymously means that the information you share does not identify you by name or through the details of the information provided. It may be filed on behalf of oneself or another person. Your identity will not be known.  

An anonymous report can be filed with DukeReach, Title IX at OIE, and the Duke Police's Silent Witness Program. The information submitted through anonymous reports will typically be shared with the Office of Student Conduct. Because of the anonymous nature of the report, person-specific follow-up cannot be guaranteed. 

Title IX       Duke Reach      Silent Witness Program

Having a conversation with a confidential resource is great idea. Contact Duke’s Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator:, 3rd Floor of Student Wellness Building

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