Found 14151 matches
CSA new families unveiled and meet up
Come paint and relax with the Zetas as we celebrate our 29th charter day!
Discussing general topics related to the pre-dentistry track including admission process, DAT, shadowing, volunteering opportunities, and fostering a mentorship program for students to be supported throughout their undergraduate experience.
Muslim students gather to hang out, relax, and build community every Friday night. All are welcome!
Weekly executives meeting for Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society
This will be for Round Table SLG where we will have a scavenger hunt.
A Pakistani-styled welcome dinner for people to socialize over Pakistani food and music.
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
Small group bible study
Please join Duke’s sole stand-up comedy group—DUST—for our weekly workshop. No auditions or cuts. No prior experience required. All are welcome!
Weekly Senate for Duke Student Government
Couldn’t make our in-person fair? You can still meet employers through the Virtual Fall Career Fair! Register on Handshake and continue to check for new employers in the coming weeks!