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In the Spotlight is an awards ceremony that recognizes student leaders, faculty, staff, and community partners that have represented Duke in an exemplary way throughout the academic year.
Speak of the Devil acapella weekly meetings in Social Sciences room 124
This is our General Body Meeting
Learn to make a Froebel or Moravian Star—a sixteen point, three dimensional star from strips of paper. Paper folding can reduce stress and promote relaxation. It requires concentration and focus which helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. The repetitive folding of paper can also be meditative, similar to the practice of yoga or mindfulness meditation. (Adapted from
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
General Body Meeting for experiment planning and testing.
Join Duke SJP for a screening of the film “The Occupation of the American Mind”
Looking for a job or internship in corporate sustainability, ESG, sustainability consulting, or clean energy? In this workshop, we’ll focus on hiring trends, what employers are looking for (especially private-sector employers), and practical strategies for making yourself stand out as a candidate. Katie Kross, sustainability careers expert and managing director of the Center for Energy, De…
Join JLD in a festive ceremony for the holiday Tu BiShvat where we will be having a beautiful seder to celebrate!
Join OUF to advocate for more accessible, bikeable, walkable, and rollable infrastructure on campus and in Durham!
Come by the Keohane Atrium on Friday January 26th 10:30am-11:30am to pick up some fresh fruit, helpful handouts and other goodies! Hosted by the Academic Guides and Peer Success Leaders. All West Campus residents welcome!
For students interested in space medicine!