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Event for students from undergraduate and graduate energy clubs to meet one another.
Come ask any questions, sit down and chat with an exec, have an exec review your resume, or really anything you want!
This event for Round Table is an outside field day where we play outdoor games and eat food from Western Union outside (individuals will get their own meals).
Duke International Student Center, has resumed drop-off only trips to DMV.
Basically just a chance for people interested in DIRA to meet away team members. We’ll play MUN themed games like the 1-minute game.
Weekly executives meeting for Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society
Weekly Senate for Duke Student Government
We will be providing an overview of Duke Global Public Health Brigades, open executive board positions, club activities, and our trip.
Join us for a documentary viewing about volunteering with Remote Area Medical, created by our co-founder and alum, Rishi Dasgupta (Duke ’22)
In this workshop, participants will learn about the value in establishing community agreements within multicultural spaces, how to create agreements that decenter whiteness, and how to leverage agreements to cultivate a stronger sense of community accountability.
Fall 2022 HJS Introductory Meeting
Round Table SLG will be playing board games.