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The Social Security Office has removed its appointment-only service; Duke International Student Center will make drop-off trips to Social Security every Monday at 9:00 am (excludes University holidays). Just bring your offer letter or memorandum, passport, I-94, I-20, and Visa, join us at 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5.
This is a practice of Asana (physical movement), Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Dhyana (meditation). Each class will include mindfulness & breath control techniques, warm up movements to activate the body, a sequence of postures to maintain balance, flexibility and strength, and finally a deep relaxation experience. This is a wonderful holistic practice to engage the body, mind and spir…
Imposter syndrome is the internal experience of falling as though you are not “good enough” and often leads to the belief that you are inferior to those around you. In this workshop, we will discuss how imposter syndrome develops, and explore social and relational factors that may intensify it. This workshop will provide you with strategies for combatting imposter syndrome, including increasing…
DCT’s weekly rehearsal is preparing for the semester showcase taking place in November. Actors gather and practice for the showcase.
DCT’s weekly rehearsal is preparing for the semester showcase taking place in November. Actors gather and practice for the showcase.
Moot Court Meetings during the week to help Moot Court members prepare pertinent skills for competition.
Moot Court Meetings during the week to help Moot Court members prepare pertinent skills for competition.
Rehearsal for Duke’s Premier South Asian A Capella Fusion Team
volunteer ESL tutoring provided to members of the Durham community by Duke student volunteers
volunteer ESL tutoring provided to members of the Durham community by Duke student volunteers
Stressed? Sacrificing sleep for school work? This workshop will provide tips and strategies for organizing your time and reducing stress in your busy life. RSVP is not required, but preferred for accuracy of food and resources.
Weekly meetings to make progress on club initiatives / discuss