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Come to BC Plaza on Nov 4th from 2-4pm to learn how to latin social dance! We will specifically be teaching bachata, a popular style and genre of music that originated in the Dominican Republic in the 20th century. No experience necessary. Parents are welcome! Free food will be provided. Come have fun social dancing with us!
Organizing and finding faculty reviewers for publication review
As part of programming for ASA’s Restorying event series, Define America will be hosting a tabling event on BC Plaza called “Our Stories on BC.”
BPLS will be touring the Durham District Attorney’s Office. Transportation is at your discretion.
Event with medtronic
Join Mi Gente for a night of exploring our diverse Latinx roots! Get crafty with us as we trace our personal backgrounds, engage in guided reflection, and create a work of art together! Local treats will be provided.
We are making food together in swift with Duke Chinese Dance! We’ll travel to Liming supermarket to get some ingredients and come back to swift to make food, likely hotpot.
BOW’s monthly GBM
Join us to watch Reservation Dogs, enjoy crafts and light refreshments
We are inviting a panel of professionals and current graduate students to share about their experiences in Masters and PhD programs in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Social event to meet and talk to officers and learn about homelessness in Durham
Do you need a creative break from life right now? Come make a self-care zine! Zines are handmade magazines or booklets about anything. They can be made up of drawings, lists, thoughts, advice, collages, comics, and so much more. In this workshop you’ll be taught how to make one with just a standard sheet of paper and then led to draw and/or write with prompts about joy, bad days, and hope. Th…