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Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Join Hurston-James Society in celebrating the end of the semester and meet other student groups cultivating social and scholarly spaces for graduate students of color.
The Duke Peer Success Leaders are hosting a panel with undergraduate researchers and faculty from the Undergraduate Research Support. We will have student speakers who are currently involved in different types of research, and there will be ample opportunities for Q&A afterwards. If you are curious about getting involved in research at Duke, feel free to come!
Join us for karaoke and/or lip syncing Friday, December 1st from 4 – 6pm in the CSGD programming space!! If you require any accommodations for this event, please contact us at least one week in advance at: 919-684-6607 or
Duke@Nite’s premier winter event! Come join us to ring in the winter months with cozy events and delicious food.
Zoom visit from Ross Overline!
This SDF event is a one-hour research lunch, where graduate students can learn more about other PhD student research in a general-audience setting. Lunch is provided – RSVP required.
General Meeting to discuss club events
Jackson will tutor small groups of moot court members.
Join Creative Writing to help you relax, have a moment of peace during your week, and build resilience while finding strength and community in sharing your stories through writing. Writing is a mindful activity that encourages expressing your emotions, thinking introspectively, sharing your gratitude, and having fun through poetry, short stories, and more! This group meets every Thursday fr…
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.
The Exec body for Duke Debate has its meetings from 7-8pm on Thursdays prior to practices.