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Strategy session for interested students.
Collecting donations through a social media campaign on Fridays.
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (2)
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (3)
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (4)
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (5)
Collecting donations through a social media campaign on Fridays.
Collecting donations through a social media campaign on Fridays.
Collecting donations through a social media campaign on Fridays.
Encompasses all volunteering trips for BCS volunteers at Duke. In a given trip, a group of volunteers will drive to Neal Middle School, help tutor students in their classes for about 1 hour, and then drive back to campus.
Come and mingle with Duke FIRSTs, the FGLI graduate student group. Enjoy free food and casual conversations with your potential mentors!