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As the Syrian conflict enters its 12th year, and with millions of refugees and internally displaced people, the situation continues to worsen for Syrians everywhere. Severe economic sanctions, the COVID-19 pandemic, regional instability, the war in Ukraine, and recently the catastrophic earthquakes are affecting all parts of Syrian society. Despite this unprecedented disaster, the conflict r…
Our February GBM, featuring guest speaker Dr. Kearsley Stewart of the Duke Global Health Institute. Dr. Stewart is an Associate Professor of the Practice at the Duke Global Health Institute with a secondary appointment in Cultural Anthropology. She will be speaking to us about her new research site in Uganda and on community-engaged sickle cell research.
DBS will host a speakers panel event that explores a variety of career paths in the finance industry.
Duke aKDPhi is hosting a sisterhood convention for the Mid-Atlantic chapters of aKDPhi. This regional convention will cover informative and collaborative workshops designed for learning and bonding with sisters from other chapters.
A semi-formal dance event
Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.
April Brainstorming Session
Celebration and award ceremony in honor of duu exec and committee members
Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.
Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.
Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.