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Round 1 Recruitment event focused on making Valentine’s Day crafts for medicine, Duke Children’s Hospital, and for friends/PhiDE members.
Showing an engaging scifi/science based film for DuQIS members and non members to bond over.
As we dive deeper into the Spring semester, we want to remind Questies that we’re here to lean on one another. Come by to relax, have some food, and talk with us at our first Spring 2023 social event.
Duke professor Dr. Mike Munger will be speaking to The Ciceronian Society about universal basic income (UBI) and its feasibility. Food will be provided.
Join Hope Barnes from Tanium, an endpoint management and cybersecurity company, to learn more about career paths in cybersecurity and you’ll get to ask questions 1-on-1 to a university recruiter. Sign up for a spot to speak to an experienced and knowledgable recruiter about career expectations, goals, and a day in the life of someone in the securities field. Dinner and snacks will be provided!
Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.
We are hosting Major General Williams for a speaker event.
Get to know your fellow BOW members over a dinner in WU!
DIPAC will hold its first GBM of Spring 2023
Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.
Collecting donations for Simple Charity while giving away cookies.