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Finished recruiting? Come join fellow BOW members for an offeree dinner! Meet others working in the same city or same company as you.
Guided tour of the Spirit in the Land exhibit at the Nasher. Lunch will be provided afterwords.
Join Jasūr Magazine and Project Onwards, a network of Syrian-Americans dedicated to improving their lives amid sanctions, war, and natural disaster. Hekmat and Layla Aboukhater will their experiences founding Project Onwards, highlighting the perspectives of Syrian youth on the ground, and showcasing their ongoing initiatives to raise their voices to an international platform.
We will be watching Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story (2020), a documentary about the founder of our parent organization.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Every Nation Campus- Duke will be hosting licensed counselor and pastor Phil Bonasso to speak on the topic of mental health and the role faith plays into the mental well being of individuals, followed by a Q&A time.
Weekly chapter meeting of Duke aKDPhi
Keynote lectures, breakout sessions, and expert panels. Theme: Forest Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change
We’ll be having our semester NeuroCare inter-committee social on March 25th from 5-7pm in Bryan Center Conference Room 036. Please register if you know you can attend (but feel free to come even if you haven’t registered!) We’ll have lots of games, catering from Saladelia, and a mental health-themed trinket for anyone who attends! Stay the whole time or just stop by when you’re free 🙂
Small groups are like our mini families. It’s a way for us to grow closer with each other as well as explore topics relating to faith, ethnicity, and being a Duke student.
Come enjoy some live jazz from local musicians on Wednesdays @ Devil’s Krafthouse! What has been Jazz@ The Mary Lou is now relocated to Krafthouse for this semester. Whether you want to study, hang with friends, or hear some incredible local music, Jazz@ is perfect for you! Stop by for a tune or listen to the whole session, and bring your friends!
Duke Arab Student Organization (DASO) is excited to host Bayou for our second annual concert!