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NAMI@Duke will be tabling on BC Plaza! Do a quick mental health check-in and receive a free donut!
SHAPE Pikapp Training
Are you a first-year student? Do you like solving puzzles, cracking codes, and finding fun things to do off-campus with other people? Join the Connection Project for an escape room at Bull City Escape Room (walking distance from East Campus!) on Friday, April 7, at 5:30 PM!
Our annual charity ball where we raise money to donate to a selected organization.
Opportunity for students to network with Duke Hispanic/Latino Alumni and hear from their experiences as previous undergrads and PHD students.
Students can come up and ask a Priest any question they would like. Essentially an open forum
This is an event for people to discuss the issue of sexual assault on Duke’s campus in a safe space.
Looking for a summer internship or full-time job? Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet top employers from various industries who are actively hiring and recruiting! Undergraduate, graduate, PhD-level students, postdocs and recent alumni of participating schools are welcome to attend.
A self-care night to release stress and have fun with the LTA sisters in celebration of our Charter Week!
The Ciceronian Society will meet for its last book club of the semester to continue discussing Jonah Goldberg’s Suicide of the West
Join us for Bob Ross painting with goats as a part of Duke@Nite’s Carpe Diem Days! Boba will be provided!!
Duke Alumni Eric Wu will be joining us for a speaker event