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Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.
Practice for Duke MMA
Join us on Friday for the Shabbat this Friday! Shabbat services start at 6pm (don’t miss Good Thing of the Week!), and the evening continues at 7pm with dinner. Register by texting “Shabbat” to (984) 333-5603.
A casual community chat space where community members and partners can explore relevant multicultural topics, cultivate cross-cultural relationships, & engage in intentional coalition building.
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
Practice for Duke MMA
1 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.
Practice for Duke MMA
Weekly meetings for the Duke University Chess Club, which will include lessons with our coach Levan Bregadze
Practice for Duke MMA
Small groups are our mini families that work to grow in community and do life together while talking about the intersection of faith, life, and ethnicity.