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Each semester, the Duke Real Estate Club (DREC) hosts a set of training sessions for members to learn about the real estate industry and achieve the title of “analyst” within the club
Rehearsals for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s Production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
This event is a weekly American Sign Language lesson where members of the Duke community, especially undergraduates, have the opportunity to receive an hour of instruction from a professional ASL teacher at no cost to attendees.
Join Our Urban Future for an interactive panel on what it’s like to propose and get your IDM / Program II plan accepted!!!
Exec Meeting for Huntsman Cancer Club
Rehearsals for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Rehearsal for the upcoming production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
This is a recurring workshop as part of an 8-week series for new members of our club to learn about software engineering, specifically focusing on web development
The Duke University Wind Symphony presents our biggest event and fundraiser of the year: Viennese Ball! It is a formal dance event with live music and dance in styles originating from Vienna, Austria. The ball is a 49-year-old DUWS tradition. We are honored to have Duke Club Ballroom Dance in attendance to teach guests how to waltz and polka dance. Guests enjoy a night of dancing, eating, l…
Case competition
General Body Meeting for TAMID
Weekly meetings for editorial planning and discussing upcoming information