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University Events and Activities Policies

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Student Affairs manages events for Duke faculty, staff, and students. The University has maintained existing guidelines for hosting events and activities on Duke University’s property in line with the Use of University Lands and Facilities, the Pickets, Protest and Demonstrations Policy and the Student Organization policies. Below you will find those guidelines, now streamlined in a concise manner, and easily accessible by all members (and visitors) of the Duke community to ensure that all events and activities are conducted in a manner that aligns with the University's values, supports its educational mission, and ensures the safety and well-being of the community

All events and activities on Duke property are required to adhere to the guidelines in this policy and any other applicable policies within departments or as noted below. Violations of this policy will be referred to the appropriate Duke office or administrator to be addressed in accordance with applicable university policy.  


This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students and officially recognized departments and student organizations (recognized or university sponsored) seeking to host events in any university building or outdoor space centrally managed by Campus Life, whether on or off campus. Requests to host academic or administrative events within an individual school or department, must be directed to that school or department.

Any other individual or group (including external or those not officially recognized by the university) must obtain approval from the Office of the Vice President for Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs in order to host any event on Duke property.

Postings (Banners, Signs and Flyers) Policy

This policy sets out the university’s guidelines for posting and/or distributing any posters, banners, flyers, announcements, signs or other information to the Duke community in line with the University’s Banner and Signs policy. Any postings under this policy are subject to the other applicable University policies including Event and Activities Policy.

Only Duke University members (students, faculty, staff, departments, and recognized organizations) may publicize events or causes on campus as designated below. The form and content of any promotion and/or publicity will not be restricted, unless it violates university policy or any applicable federal, state, or local law, falsely defames a specific individual/group, constitutes a genuine threat or violates the university’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct, unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests, or is otherwise disruptive to or interferes with the normal operation of the University or University-sponsored activities.

Amplified Sound Policy and Guidelines

Duke is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to its mission and values of education, research, scholarship and health care. This includes ensuring amplified sound associated with any event held on university property does not disrupt the academic, living and work environments. 

Amplified Sound: Any sound (including human voice, music or other sound) enhanced through electronic means including but not limited to speakers, microphones, and public address systems.

Adherence to University Policies

In addition to the policies referenced above, all events and participants must adhere to all other applicable university policies and local, federal, and state laws and regulations including but not limited to policies in the Duke Community Standard, Alcohol Policy, Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia Policy, Prohibited Weapons such as sticks and poles at protests and demonstrations and other weapons, and Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct.